Oota Aayeta

Making Canteen Interactions Easier

We have all noticed the raucous in the canteen during peak hours. This impacts the quality and service of the food. Among other inconveniences, orders get exchanged, the food is not warm, its time consuming and it is really hard for Anna to manage which results in a ‘fish market’ situation. ‘Oota Aayeta?’ is an application which makes canteen interactions easier.

Our group solves this problem of service and food quality by using a conversational bot.


Team Members: Shalini Mookerjee, Ishita Begani and Mihika Ladhani

August 2018

What was the Problem?


A. Observation: Our ideation process started with observation. Observing interactions in the canteen helped us to isolate problem areas and hence define the real problem at hand. we grouped all these interactions into broader categories being- food specific problems, counter and canteen space interactions and the lack of synchronizing technologies. We then did the ‘How Might We’ Method to be able to narrow down our problem areas.


B. Stakeholder Map: To define the problem at hand better we decided to do stakeholder mapping. Identifying the stakeholders gave us an insight into where the main problem lies. This problem lies in the interactions between Anna and the students, merely because of the ratio of conversing agents. Hence there is a huge possibility of a communication error or delay in conversing. This delay causes a dis-pleasant feeling leading to a bad experience or even termination of goal (buying and consuming food).

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C. Experience Map: We then mapped down the process of ordering food which starts from the information about all the food choices to payment and delivery of food. We isolated each process to understand how we could make every micro-interaction more efficient. For example, we realized when one asks for a dish which isn’t available it leaves an unsatisfied impact on the student’s mind. Hence, to solve this we propose that we should show only the available items using a live menu of some sorts. To make things more personalized we also have something called ‘Today’s Special’ to make things more interactive and exciting. This will result in the elimination of any unsatisfied effect on the student’s perception.



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How Could We Improve the Experience?

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User Flow Map

User Flow Map


All these solutions are for better interactions and a wholesome experience. To execute the same, we used various tools such as indicators, signifiers, mimicking natural circumstances and of course a conversational agent.

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Detailed summarisation of the feedback is attached in the following link: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1MmNy0DSn56sqd1ZIHwgMhLkgrfV5yh-VyT8tvOajCo8/edit?usp=sharing


Let’s Order!

After Integrating the feedback, we created a small demo video to showcase how our application would be used in college premises.



For the students

For the students

For Anna (Canteen Manager)

For Anna (Canteen Manager)

Bringing it to Life using Python

We started using command line interfaces and Python to start coding our prototype. Our main aim was to be able to get more realistic than the Wizard of Oz. It should be one step closer to an actual Application Interface. We were coding this while we learnt Python and hence every passing day we made the code better and implemented new things.

Snippet from the final code

Snippet from the final code


How to take it Forward?

This was a very fun project that came out of a 5-week course which we worked on beyond the designated time period. We saw the potential of how a system like this could create seamless interactions at the canteen front and could be adopted by other canteens in different institutes and offices. We are in the middle of conversing with college officials to develop the application and execute the system in our college. We would improve on the wireframes and make them more aesthetic and user friendly keeping the interaction points the same after we get the green signal to develop it.


Some Proud Moments!

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Design4India Awards 2018

We were amongst the Top 3 finalists in the ‘Connected and Intelligence’ theme.

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India HCI 2018 Late Break Work

We got selected to present our work at India HCI 2018 as ‘Late Break Work’ where we interacted with design professionals and got great feedback regarding our project.


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